Our Vision
We are a group of independent lawyers with heart and we are passionate about what we do. We use rational problem solving to find solutions, instead of erecting barriers to resolving conflicts. Our techniques empower our clients as we explore creative options in a cooperative environment. We encourage recognition and acknowledgement of each party's viewpoint, so that an amicable resolution can be reached and there is hope for the future for all involved.

Our Mission
Our mission is to offer legal services that will keep our clients out of court. We focus on resolving disputes amicably even under difficult circumstances. We are able to do that because all of our attorneys are trained in the collaborative process and mediation. We treat our clients as equal partners, and inform them of their choices throughout the process. ​We make sure that our clients have a voice and that their voice is heard.

Our Values
We are peacemakers. Even though we are lawyers, our goal is to keep you out of court. We advocate for our clients, but don't fight just for the sake of fighting. We know that the court system can be toxic for families and causes people to be adversarial instead of trying to find common ground. We believe that families should not be torn apart by divorce and custody matters, but can instead learn to evolve into new and different family structures with healthy co-existing futures. We strive for win-win solutions instead of pitting one party against the other. We are peacemakers. Even though we are lawyers, our goal is to keep you out of court. We advocate for our clients, but don't fight just for the sake of fighting. We know that the court system can be toxic for families and causes people to be adversarial instead of trying to find common ground. We believe that families should not be torn apart by divorce and custody matters, but can instead learn to evolve into new and different family structures with healthy co-existing futures. We strive for win-win solutions instead of pitting one party against the other.